Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The American Family from Plimoth to Today

American family during the Depression

History of the American Family
Rockport History Book Club

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Steven Mintz and Susan Kellogg, Domestic Revolutions: A Social History of American Family Life, 1988. New York: The Free Press, Simon & Schuster. 316 pages.

            I feel whiplashed by this book, and by the history of American families.
            The idea of the family in the time of the first European settlers was so strong, and you don’t have to be a social scientist or historian to know that today, more families are run by a single mother, more marriages will end in divorce, more teenage girls will have children outside of wedlock, and more children will grow up in a continuous cycle of poverty, drugs, abuse, lack of parental guidance, poor schooling, and the prospect of repeating it all over again for another generation.
            This book was published in 1988, so it would be interesting to read the 2015 version of this history.  But nothing I have learned or read suggests that we have found the path toward improvement.  The authors do propose remedies, though, and we’ll look at those later.

            Steven Mintz, a historian, joined forces with Susan Kellogg, an anthropologist, to conduct this fascinating story of the American family.
            They use letters, diaries and documents generated at the time to look at what is an American family, and all the “Domestic Revolutions” that have taken place since white men and women arrived on this continent and set up housekeeping.
            The authors examine Native Americans as well, and give us an interesting look at life in the families of African slaves.
            When the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts the family was the most important institution to helping them adapt to life on this wild continent. 
            The family was a lot more than we think of today.  It was the work place for its members, the school, and the place of worship. It was the hospital, the bank, and more.
            Love was not necessarily involved in marriage.  Husbands and wives were often matched by the older generation, and there was always a financial consideration, which became more elaborate as more Americans obtained land and generated wealth. 

Pilgrim Women Cooking

            In Puritan days, the idea of death was everywhere.  Many women died in childbirth, and it was the rare child who reached the age of 20. Add to that the Puritan concept of original sin, whereby even newborn children were considered sinful.  Children were taught to be ready for death. Early schooling combined with religious teaching, to develop another God-fearing generation. 
            Puritans never thought of the family as a private unit. It was an integral part of the larger political and social world. It was a world of one man, one woman and many children.  Orphan children, children of the poor, convicts and single men and women were compelled by selectmen to live within “well-governed families” so that “disorders may be prevented.”
            In spite of Puritan ethics and morality, life went on in the colonies, and not all of it was pretty. The authors write of men tried for abusing their wives, a man in Maine beat his wife with a club when she refused to feed a pig. An Ipswich man poured poison in his wife’s broth in an attempt to kill her.
            Mintz frequently quoted the diaries of Samuel Sewell, a businessman in the late 17th century in Massachusetts.  Writing about the time when his daughter gave birth in 1701, 16 women were in attendance in the lying-in room to offer encouragement and give advice.
            If a Puritan father were to be transported into a modern American family, he would be apoplectic at the independence and ignorance of children today.
            Children, both boy and girls, wore a sort of dress until age seven, when boys put on trousers and girls dresses.  Boys went to work, as apprentices in the father’s trade, or nearby in another home.  Girls began to learn of the role of women in spinning, cooking, finding wood, growing a garden, sewing, and cleaning.
            Gradually, things loosened up in the family.  Fathers began to lose or give up some absolute authority.  The idea of “original sin” of newborns changed so that the concept of death was matched with a more pleasant afterlife, when earthly burdens would be shed.
            And children were no longer required to remain standing while their parents ate their meals.
            Fewer couples addressed each other as “Madam” and “Sir”, as emotion began to creep in to the family.
            In the 17th century there were from 850,000 to two million Native Americans in what we now call the United States, and they were in 240 different tribal and ethnic groups.  Families were small, infant mortality was high, mothers nursed their children for two years. As time went on, many Indians died of diseases of white men, and many Indian women married white men and African slaves, as families began to get more diverse.
            Mintz’ 1988 book provides an interesting discussion of life in African-American slave homes.  With all the terrible treatment of slaves, and with families torn apart by slave owners, children sold off, wives sold to another owner, sexual abuse by white owners—the most horrible of treatment and miserable living conditions--- despite all this, the man, the father, was a stronger part of the family unit.  Where they could, men and women stayed married (or committed to each other where marriage was not permitted) in far more cases than today. 
            Chesapeake planters learned early on that they needed to grow the next generation of slaves, so more African women were brought over, and stable family life was encouraged.  Most unions of men and women lasted over 20 years, except when one mate was sold to another plantation, and according to the authors, slaves valued marital stability. Slaves in most cases discouraged casual sex in their communities.
            By the start of the 18th century, more white families began to pull into a higher income category.
            The Industrial Revolution brought a lot of changes to the American family.  As factories opened, many people, left the farms and came to work in factories.  Women, especially, left home to work in the mills.  Soon, there was a need for more workers than could be provided by natives, and immigration began to increase.  Poor Europeans, seeking the promise of wealth in the New World, flocked here, and of course that brought changes to the American family.

Fifties Family

            The Fifties, 1950-59, usually comes in for recognition as the time of the ideal family.  There was far more stability than today, more discipline.  Parents, who grew up in the Depression, had lower income expectations. They had lived through World War II and experienced sacrifice.  And few people were involved with drugs.
            Then came the Sixties, and all hell broke loose.  Intellectual leaders pointed out the plight of American women, mostly dedicated to a life as mother and homemaker, supporting partner in the family, and began the drive for feminism and women’s liberation.
            Abortion, once considered taboo, became increasingly mainstream.  At about the same time, birth control pills for women became widely used.

Women’s Liberation March, 1960s
            Young people were stirring, restless, ready to shake loose the conformity of the Fifties, and an age of revolution began. War began slowly in a far-off country called Viet Nam, but in this decade it grew, and gathered up young American men to go off to fight.  Unlike World War II, this brought on a fierce public opposition, and many young people openly resisted the draft.
            At the same time Black leaders were gaining increasing traction in striving for racial equality, and this brought on demonstrations and riots and murders, racial unrest that continues even today.  But changes took place.
            Against this backdrop the American family changed profoundly in this decade.  More women left home to work, leaving children in the care of child-care facilities, relatives or babysitters.  There were more divorces.  More and more people got introduced to drugs.
            Discussing families gets very quickly into which politics people use.  The African-American family today seems to many observers to be a structure in crisis.  Too few children are born and grow up in homes with no father, and perhaps a mother who has experienced very negative relations with males and tends to take her feelings out on her sons. 

Black Poverty, 1994
            Education in poor, black neighborhoods is not as good as in middle class neighborhoods, and even if it were spectacular, the child’s education should take place 24 hours a day, at school and in the home.
            Children who receive a poor education, or are poorly motivated, and eventually drop out, become more of the huge swirling pool of unemployed, uneducated, unmotivated people who are easily captured by gangs, crime, and drugs. And what does society do?  It locks them up, where they can continue to polish destructive behaviors in prison. 
            Conservatives conclude that the black family is really kept down by massive welfare programs that encourage poor work habits, and discourage cohabitation and parental support.
            Liberals contend that there is too much incarceration, and many imprisoned blacks should be released to work programs.  They cry for improving schools in black neighborhoods, but good schools without parental support is like one hand clapping. 
What’s the solution? 
The authors offer some. 
Enact legislation that encourages husbands to stay in the family. Provide support for families, instead of withdrawing welfare when the husband comes home.
Work out flexible hours and maternity/paternity leave policy to allow workers to be more effective parents.
Improve custody laws and other aspects of divorce law to provide best possible contacts between parents and children.
Steps are now being taken to decriminalize non-violent drug users, with addicts placed into recovery where before they were jailed. Will this work?

Wed. Aug. 26, 2015: The History of Food in America. [Proposed by Janos Posfai] Let’s explore what Americans have considered a square meal, starting with Native Americans (Indians), and including Pilgrims, then people arriving from other parts and classes of England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Italy, Russia, African slaves, China; look at regional foods from the South, New England, the West, Midwest.
Hitler ©Life Magazine
Wed. Sep. 30, 2015:  Charismatic leaders in History. [Proposed by Janos Posfai] What were the keys to Hitler’s, Churchill's, Mussolini's, FDR's successes? Keen perception of public moods? Oratory abilities? Character, firm ideology? Connecting to the people? How did they deploy their charisma? How could Napoleon manipulate the masses without TV ads? Why were people so perceptive to a madman in Germany? Intriguing and recurring questions.  
Wed. Oct. 28, 2015: Show Trials in History. [Proposed by Janos Posfai]   Read how nations and leaders have used a well-publicized court trial to serve another need, like demonstrating power, making peace, deflecting responsibility, etc.
Examples: Trial of Socrates; Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms; Sacco Vanzetti; Nuremburg War Crimes Trials; Julius and Ethel Rosenburg; Trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu;  Saddam Hussein in Iraq;   Stalin’s NKVD show trials; Trials in Stalinist Hungary like Cardinal József Mindszenty, oil executives, L. Rajk. 
 Wed. Dec. 2, 2015:  No meeting
 For questions contact Sam Coulbourn at

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rockport's Green Treasure heads toward Restoration

Times, they are a-changin’….

        Millbrook Meadow sits squarely in the middle of downtown Rockport, right behind Front Beach.
            It’s been there, in various forms ever since Richard Tarr climbed out of his little pinnace and walked ashore to become the first settler of what would someday become Rockport.
            A few years later, the second settler, John Pool, moved over here from near Beverly, and decided he’d get into the business of grinding grain to make flour. There was a nice little stream, that they named Davison’s Run that they’d use to provide the water power.
            He got himself a license from the town fathers of Gloucester in 1702.  This was part of Gloucester in those days.   He had a bunch of men start work digging out a pond.  It took them a while, because they dug down eight feet, and the pond, when they were finished, was about an acre in area.
            John was an enterprising guy, and he could see that this water power could also power a sawmill, so he set up to start dressing the beautiful big pieces of hemlock and hickory that the men brought in.  They trimmed them into lumber and shipped them down to the new town of Boston, to build Long Wharf.   
            Davison’s Run brought the water down from the hills above Sandy Bay, as it was called in those days. Later that same little stream would bring the water to power one mill after another, as Sandy Bay became Rockport, and workers built organs, pianos, buggies, made glue, and ground up fish bladders to make isinglass, the material used to clarify beer and wine.
            That little Meadow behind Front Beach was a busy place.  It was grungy, dirty and stunk to high heaven, especially with those dried fish bladders.  That was Rockport in 1840, and on to 1900.
            After 1840 Rockporters started quarrying granite, and the town became one of the best sources of granite in the U.S.A. They built a new dam in the Meadow, and re-directed Davison’s Run into a narrow, granite-lined ditch on the side of the Meadow.

Isinglass Factory, ca. 1900

            In 1929 the isinglass factory stopped work, and burned to the ground the next year. The Rockport Garden Club decided to buy the property, and got up $1500 to make it a part of the town.  Then, in 1938 they presented it to the Town.  Thirteen years later, in 1951, the city fathers thought that it would make a nice parking lot, and the paving trucks were lined up to go in and do the job.
            Lura Hall Phillips, the president of the Garden Club, got wind of this, and from her home nearby on Main Street, went running over to stop the pavers.  She called on her friend, Aldro Hibbard, a world-class artist, who was also one of three Rockport park commissioners, and the two of them stopped the paving. Then Lura got her friend, a lawyer named Ken Nickerson, and started haranguing the selectmen, and soon, the paving idea was no more.
            Lura went on to become the patron saint of Millbrook Meadow.  For the next 40 years, she ran pets and hobby days, Maypole dances, Arbor Day celebrations, and all manner of fairs and picnics in the Meadow.  She raised money to build a nice stone bridge in honor of Tarr and Pool, and then a beautiful stairway from King Street into the Meadow, in honor of the Rockport Stone workers.

Lura’s Steps into the Meadow

            Lura was a one-woman dynamo.  All the while, she was saving up her own money, and when she died in 1994 (at the age of 94!)  she left a pot of money in trust for the Meadow.
            Life went on.  People kept enjoying the Meadow and the Pond.  Millbrook Meadow Committee, which Lura had formed, gathered to clean up the Meadow twice a year, and DPW mowed the grass.
            Then, at Mother’s Day, 2006 the Mother of all rainstorms came and drenched the Meadow and the Pond for days, and finally the dam blew out.  The same old granite dam that had held back the water since 1840 gave way and flooded the Meadow. 
            Finally, the Town got the people at FEMA to rebuild the dam, and the project started in 2012.    
            As the plans were getting finished to actually rebuild the dam, John and Barbara Sparks took a walk through the Meadow. 
            John saw that the Meadow and the Pond were actually on their last legs.  For years Rockporters had skated on the Pond in winter, fished on it in summer, played and strolled in the Meadow, but had not realized that Rockport’s green treasure was slowly sinking and failing.
            Others thought that it could all be made right with a little work from DPW, and maybe more work from volunteers. 
            But John could see that what was needed was major intervention.  Trees were dying or dead, The Mill Brook ran over its banks and flooded the Meadow regularly, and the Pond was loaded—loaded!  with silt and filling with cattails. Soon it would just be a soggy wetland.

John Sparks, center

            John gathered people together to start what would become the plan for Restoration. Lura’s trust fund, carefully guarded since 1994 by Gunilla Caulfield, could now be used to start the long process to bring our Meadow and Pond back to robust life.
            It is now 2015. Lura’s $182,500 was the seed money. Town Meeting and the Community Preservation fund added $160,000 in 2013.  We hired a contractor—Milone & MacBroom of Cheshire, Connecticut, and now we are on the verge of making some real improvements.  Most since the Meadow became Town Property in 1938. 
            We are taking our request for construction money to Town meeting next spring (2016), and in the meantime soliciting private donations.  With the help of a challenge grant by an anonymous donor we’ve gathered some $70,000 so far.  We figure we’ll need about $1,300,000 to finish the work, which will include completely rebuilding Mill Brook so that it flows through the Meadow instead of in a narrow ditch, and is designed to control flooding much better.
            We’ll also dredge the Pond and the little Frog Pond, and replace all the invasive plants with sturdy native plantings and trees, and we’ll make the Meadow and Pond more accessible to everyone, even handicapped persons. For the first time, we’ll have electrical connections for concerts and events in the Meadow, and water to use in watering gardens—instead of borrowing it from neighbors nearby.

            The Meadow and Pond will be much the same, but better, and won’t flood so much, and there’ll be much more for kids to explore and enjoy. 
            And when you walk through the Meadow, or skate across the Pond, you’ll be able to see the spirits of Richard Tarr and John Pool right alongside you.  Things have changed, but much remains the same.

 For more information about the Meadow and Pond see

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Euro and the Future of Europe

Rockport History Book Club
The Future of Europe
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

George Soros, The Tragedy of the European Union: Disintegration or Revival? With Gregor Peter Schmitz; New York: Public Affairs, 2014.
          George Soros should be a good person to give you an idea of the future of Europe.
          Born in Budapest in 1930 in a Jewish family, Soros lived through the Nazi occupation and then the Stalinist era in Hungary, before fleeing in 1947. He landed in England, and somehow got into the London School of Economics. While he was there he studied Karl Popper’s work. Popper (1902-1994) began to make a huge impression on Soros. 

          Soon Soros was working in New York as a financial analyst and drew on Popper’s work in developing his application of the social theory of “reflexivity”. Soros has stayed with that theory all his life, and he discusses it at length in this book.
          Soros applied his idea on reflexivity to investing, using it to predict, among other things, financial bubbles.  In 1973 he set up a private investment firm that eventually evolved into the Quantum Fund, one of the first hedge funds.
          This book is a collection of four interviews of Soros by Gregor Peter Schmitz, Washington correspondent for Der Spiegel
          Soros has been a close observer and supporter of the European Union and the consolidation of European currency in the Euro.  The European Union has been a dream of European leaders for many years, but with the fall of the Soviet Union, it began to become a possibility, and the Maastricht Treaty of 1993 formalized the European Union. The Euro (€) became official currency in the E.U. countries January 1, 1999. Today there are 28 member nations, and 19 use the Euro as their currency.
          When the European Union was formed the dream was to create a United States of Europe, with decisions made at the EU level, rather than in each national capital.  That dream has faded away, though, and there is much tension in the European Union. 
          Soros identifies the current situation in the title of this book “The Tragedy of the European Union”, and he blames Angela Merkel for most of it.  He looks to Germany, as the most powerful and rich country, to be the benevolent hegemon, supporting the poor countries like the United States did after World War II with the Marshall Plan.
          Actually, Soros observes in his first interview in this book, that the Marshall Plan led to the European Union because it established mechanisms for cooperation between countries, re-establishing markets and building a European economy. 
          Soros says the euro is an “incomplete currency”, because it represents economic unity but not political unity, it has a central bank, but no treasury.
          It all came unglued in 2008 when Lehman Brothers failed, triggering the American recession, and then European markets followed.  Soros says that if Helmut Kohl had still been leading Germany, it would have been different.  German leaders who had lived during World War II had a lot of guilt, and selflessness, and they would have pushed for sacrifice to support the poor nations.  However, Angela Merkel, reading the mood of the German people today, had no such idea, and without that Herculean support for the Euro, Greece, Italy and Spain began to face severe financial strains, and today, the existential crisis in Europe is around Greece.  Will the country, now led by a socialist government and having rejected the austerity program Germany has demanded of it, leave the E.U. and the Euro? In the national election held on July 5, Greeks overwhelmingly voted NOT to knuckle under to Germany’s demands for austerity and constriction.
          It’s all being played out today, and although Soros conducted these interviews two years ago, his comments still seem quite relevant.
          In Soros’ second interview, he finds Angela Merkel “an extremely skillful democratic politician who reads the mind of the electorate very well.” But he finds that she is making a mistake –the euro is only a means to an end, which is a fully-functioning European Union. The euro has transformed the European Union from a voluntary association of equal states to a debtor-creditor relationship.
          Germany should “lead or leave the euro.” He advises. But, Soros doesn’t feel that Germany should leave. He suggests it would be far better for Germany to become a benevolent hegemon by agreeing to mutual guarantees, agree to a strong banking union and some form of Eurobonds. He makes the point over and over in this book—Germany should lead the Europeans out of the looming depression with genuine burden sharing. 
          In Soros’ third interview he introduces “reflexivity”, which he finds to be one of the most important driving forces of financial markets and the world economy. He then tells about the Credit Default Swap (CDS) speculation before the Lehman bankruptcy.  CDS came to be viewed as a good indicator of default probabilities facing companies—like Lehman.  When speculators began to buy CDS heavily there was a perception that owners of those bonds faced much greater risks, and so investors started to dump those bonds. 
          Market speculation actively increased the risk of default that CDS were supposed to passively reflect. When this triggered a euro crisis, Merkel insisted that rescue of the banks should be the responsibility of each country individually.  Soros thinks that she should have agreed to support the banks on a euro-wide basis, which may have ended the possibility of a currency crisis.
          That was—in 2009—really the onset of the euro crisis.  Markets failed to identify the flaws in the euro structure, and when they did, they overreacted.
          The Tragedy of Europe is that the European Union is now endangered by too much respect for the rule of law. Soros says that when laws are based on faulty economic doctrines, they can do a lot of harm.
          The fourth and final interview sweeps up several European problems.  Migrants—the hundreds of thousands escaping from Syria and Africa -- place a huge burden, primarily on southern European countries, those in weakest financial shape.
          There is discussion of Soros’ work with charities.  He states that, at age 84 (now), he had largely left the investment business, but he still needs to raise money for his huge portfolio of philanthropy.  In 2012 he spent some $800,000,000 on this wide array of charitable causes.
          One in particular that has captured Soros’ attention is the plight of the Roma people (Gypsies) in Europe. 
          Another is aiding Ukraine in the face of Russian invasion and interference.
          Soros is optimistic about the possibility for positive gains in Palestine, with the help of Egypt.
          He feels that Obama is conducting a far more realistic and sensible foreign policy than did Bush, but Syria is troubling.
          He sees positive movement in Iran, and looks upon Netanyahu as thriving upon the conflict with Iran. If the U.S. and Iran agreed on a nuclear policy, Netanyahu will be out of business, he says.
          On China, he sees that country quite caught up in its own problems.  It has bought up a lot of European debt merely to stabilize exports from China to Europe.
          Soros says that the Republicans are going to have to distance themselves from the Tea Party, because both parties need to aim for the middle ground. The American public will not buy into the Tea Party’s goals.
          Soros’ observations and ideas seem refreshing and challenging, and give us a lot to think about with regard to the future of Europe. 
 --Samuel W. Coulbourn


Wed. July 29, 2015: History of the American Family. [Proposed by Richard Verrengia] How has the American family changed since Pilgrim days?  What was the Pilgrim family like? How did the Industrial Revolution change the family? What about new, "non-traditional" families? 

Wed. Aug. 26, 2015: The History of Food in America. [Proposed by Janos Posfai] Let’s explore what Americans have considered a square meal, starting with Native Americans (Indians), and including Pilgrims, then people arriving from other parts and classes of England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Italy, Russia, African slaves, China; look at regional foods from the South, New England, the West, Midwest.

Wed. Sep. 30, 2015:  Charismatic leaders in History. [Proposed by Janos Posfai] What were the keys to Hitler’s, Churchill's, Mussolini's, FDR's successes? Keen perception of public moods? Oratory abilities? Character, firm ideology? Connecting to the people? How did they deploy their charisma? How could Napoleon manipulate the masses without TV ads? Why were people so perceptive to a madman in Germany? Intriguing and recurring questions.  

Wed. Oct. 28, 2015: Show Trials in History. [Proposed by Janos Posfai]   Read how nations and leaders have used a well-publicized court trial to serve another need, like demonstrating power, making peace, deflecting responsibility, etc.
Examples: Trial of Socrates; Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms; Sacco Vanzetti; Nuremburg War Crimes Trials; Julius and Ethel Rosenburg; Trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu;  Saddam Hussein in Iraq;   Stalin’s NKVD show trials; Trials in Stalinist Hungary like Cardinal József Mindszenty, oil executives, L. Rajk. 

Wed. Dec. 2, 2015:  No meeting